Jun 7, 2016

Diving in to Summer

Before I delve into the topic of the day, I would like to explain a daily feature I am going to start adding at the beginning of each blog entry.  I am going to reflect on the day before and make an effort to pinpoint things I did well and also things that I need to improve upon.  Soooo...here is my reflection for yesterday.

What about you?  How was your Monday?


Summer!  There could not be a better time for me to take back my health.  As a school counselor, I have most of the summer of, so I will have ample time to jumpstart my healthier lifestyle.  I am blessed with this time and I am going to use it!

Summer Time Goals:

Get Active!
Summer lends itself to being active by nature, but I can finally get to work fitness-wise without the "I am too busy" or "I am too tired" excuses.  I want to create tried and true habits that can carry over into my routine when I resume work at the beginning of August.

Fitness Ideas:  Take walks with the kids (include some fun nature scavenger hunts), walk the dog, run in the neighborhood or at the local school track, resistance bands during down time with the kids, elliptical training, rowing machine, Cize (dance workouts), T25 workouts, SWIMMING!!

Try New Recipes!
During the work week, it is difficult to be adventurous and test out new, healthy recipes.  It is MUCH easier to fall back into the old stand-by recipes that are in my regular rotation because I know they are good and I can whip them up in no time.  My summer goal?  Make some of the new dishes I have been meaning to try and hold on to my favorites, so they too can become a part of the regular work week rotation.  

Here are a couple examples of recipes I would like to try. Thank you, Pinterest!

Who doesn't love nachos?  I think adding nacho toppings to some peppers and broiling them in the oven is a brilliant idea!   Find this recipe here

One of my favorite frozen treats ever is the Dole Whip dessert found at Disney World.  Well, hey, let's face it.  I like frozen treats like ice cream and sorbet, period.  This particular homemade frozen treat only has two ingredients:  Frozen Pinepple and coconut milk!  I will definitely be adding this to my repertoire for when I get an ice cream craving.  It is simple enough that you likely don't really need a recipe, but you can find it here

Have Fun!
I plan to enjoy myself and my time off.  I am blessed to have the summers off with my kids.  Having this time to regroup is exactly what I need.  Being happy and being under a little less stress will surely help me maintain the positive attitude I need in order to make great strides with my goals.  



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