Oct 2, 2013

It's Time For ... So What Wednesday!

Life After I Dew

Sooooo, here goes!  So what if...

  1. We had a bomb threat at work today and because of that I got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING accomplished.  The day dragged on for a flippin' eternity.  Glad to be home.
  2. I am coming down with a cold and it pisses me off.
  3. My butt muscle still hurts like hell.  The pain meds and things are making me sleepy, so I have zero energy.
  4. I ate a bag of snack sized peanut M&Ms today out of hunger and desperation.  Bomb threats tend to throw off your lunch routine.  
  5. When I asked Darcy how school was today she said, "Three kids threw up today."  I hope this is not a sign of what is to come in our household.  Yucky.
  6. Darcy's 4th birthday party for my side of the family (Our families are spread out in different sections of Indiana, so she gets two parties.)  is Sunday and I have done absolutely NADA to prepare for it.  
  7. Darcy's actual 4th birthday is this coming Monday and I have only bought one gift so far. 
  8. I am leaving to go to a conference next Saturday and am flying to San Antonio.  I am going alone and am honestly a little nervous about the flight.  I have not set foot in an airport since 2002.  So many things are different.  I am afraid I will have no clue what I am doing.   On the bright side... I get to go to San Antonio!!  I have never been to Texas and if I had to choose a city to visit there, it would be that one.  
  9. I cleaned my house really well last weekend and now it looks like a toy box threw up in it.
  10. I am super sick of my clothes and wish I had unlimited funds to go shopping.
  11. I could go to bed right now and sleep through the night. Zzzzzzzz....
  12. It is only Wednesday? Booo

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