Jul 15, 2013

Some New Motivation

I am willing to take motivation wherever I can get it.  I have some new reasons that revealed themselves over the weekend that I thought I would share.

Aidan noticed I was fat.

<GASP> Well, duh, Courtney.  You haven't been wearing some cloak of fat invisibility that you picked up on your last trip to Hogwarts.  If there was one, surely Hagrid would be wearing it.  (Ok, uh, yeah, I like Harry Potter.)

Anyway, he wasn't mean about it.  I was carrying something and my shirt came up a little bit and she saw my belly fat.  He started laughing and said, "Mommy, I can't believe you're fat!"  I knew he did not mean it maliciously and I didn't take it that way.  This kid is the sweetest and he never goes a day without telling me that I am beautiful (seriously, sweetest kid in the history of EVER).   The reason that this is new motivation is because I want to be a positive example to my kids in many areas, but I want one of them to me a healthy lifestyle.  Both of my kids are active, fit kids, and I want to keep it that way.

Amusement Parks

We have season passes to Kings Island.  I love going with the kids and watching them have fun. Quite frankly, I am sick of the belts being tight and the little bar that comes down for safety being so tight against my stomach -- so tight it is uncomfortable.  I also saw a ride this past weekend that I really wanted to ride, but was afraid to because I thought I was probably too fat to ride it.  I was. You and your partner could only weight a total of 275 pounds, and unless Aidan only weighs about 28 pounds, it wasn't happenin'.  So, Aidan had to ride it himself and I stood and watched from the little side gate.  That sucks.

Oh well...to offset that visual of my fat hanging over the safety bar, here are some cute pics from this weekend:


Pending Beach Vacation

This is a big one for me.  We have decided that we are definitely going to chip in for a condo with other family members for a Myrtle Beach vacation next summer.  I am super excited because I loved our last vacation there.  My goal?  I want to go to the beach thinner.  I have a little under a year to make some good progress.  I am not expecting to be at goal.  I am just hoping to be well on my way.  I want to wear fun beach clothes like bathing suits and sundresses and feel cute.  I wore all those things the last time, but I had this cloud of insecurity following me...even though no body even cared but me.  I want to be lighter.  "Nuff  Said.

Daily Dose of Del Signore

I am linking up with the Motivation Monday Team for the first time today.  I decided it was only appropriate since I am discussing some new motivators in my life!  Happy Monday!


  1. Awww I still remember when I was little-my mom got healthy for us because my brother said something... Not mean but hey, we were kids! Sadly, she still struggles, just like me but I love her and she's beautiful no matter what-just like you!

    I have a beach vacation coming up this fall that I am hoping to slim down a little bit for too!!

    Stopping by from Motivation Monday!

    1. Thank you. :) He doesn't see the fat as a flaw, just really one of my features. Just want to work on being a better example.

  2. What great motivators! I'm positive you will make it and go to the beach thinner! Thanks for linking up with us!!

    1. Thank you, Tiffany! I am gonna work hard to make it so.

  3. One of my nephews did the very same thing to me when he was little. I was a little hurt when he said it but I knew he wasn't being malicious about it. Great job in using that as motivation. I began really putting effort towards weight loss after my daughter was born. I wanted to be the best example of health to her that I possibly can. Thank you so much for linking up.

  4. Your children are adorable! Congrats on having such great little motivators!

  5. Kids are the least malicious people on the planet I say and usually say things with love. I'm still trying to lose my baby weight and it's been 17lbs and my son keep reminding me that I'm fat as well. I'm still not motivated enough to hit the gym still. :) The kids looked like they had a lot of fun. Have fun in Myrtle Beach next year. Its one of the places on my bucket list. You gotta tell us how it went.

  6. You are doing wonderful and will keep seeing the results you want! These are great motivators! It is always good if you can find real things in your life to keep you motivated. More than the usual, I want to look better. Sometimes our own desire to look better isn't quite enough :) I am super proud of you for your accomplishments and can't wait to see your next weigh in and progress report!!

  7. You got this! And Myrtle Beach sounds like so much fun...good luck!



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